Richard Fomin
Bar Mitzvah
January 3, 1970
The Fomin Family
L to R:  Ron, Rich, Sylvia, Marty
Aunt Lily and Uncle Jack
L to R: Michael Mincey, Rich, and Lester Rosenfeld
Joel Jacoby, Sol Blum, and Ralph Bernstein
Sylvia, Fred Grenker?, Cousin Libby, Aunt Lily
Sylvia with Roy and Anne Berger
Uncle Jack says the barakhah (blessing) over the challah bread.
Rich with Bea, Jeff, and Jill Nevitt.
Grandma Sadie Schwartz with Uncle Jack Sandek.
Aunt Blanche Bernstein, Roger Bernstein, and Bill Campbell.
Aunt Lily and Uncle Jack with Rich
Cousins Irving and Libby with Rich
Cousins Ruth and Leslie Gates
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