The final destination of our vacation was New Jersey. Our first stop was Paterson, the city where I grew up. We went to view the Great Falls of the Passaic River.
The next stop was White Castle Burger. Ryan and Chelsea love them.
The "projects" where I lived in Paterson.
We stayed with my cousins, Jill, Allison, and Ed in the small town of Bloomingdale. It was a quiet place to unwind after all the hustle and bustle of the city.
Pixie with her security blanket.
Relaxing in the backyard and in the pool.
Allison works at the Star Lake Complex in Bloomingdale. The camp serves the Greater New York Area Salvation Army.
Bloomingdale Municipal Building
A great dinner at the Pompton Queen Diner
There's no better tomatoes than homegrown Jersey Beef Tomatoes
Sites Around Bloomingdale
Bob's Barber Shop
A stream cuts through the town.
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Paterson, N.J.