Touring Around Los Angeles
November 2011
Over the Veteran's Day weekend, Tim came from Chicago for a visit with the Fomin Family.  Friday, Chelsea joined Tim and I for a fast paced tour of Los Angeles.  We started our trip at Union Station, where we picked up Tim.  From there we rode the Metro Red Line to various places along the route, which are pictured below.  Saturday was Ryan's turn to join us for another day riding the Red Line throughout Los Angeles.  Saturday night concluded the running around, with a celebration of Miles Fomin's birthday in Upland.
The first stop on Friday, was at Langer's Deli, which is an icon in the City of L.A.  They have the best pastrami sandwiches on the West Coast.
The next stop was Hollywood, to see the special Lucille Ball exhibit at the Hollywood Museum.  The museum is located in the old Max Factor building, where Max Factor developed and used make-up on many famous actors.  There are many items from old and new Hollywood TV shows and movies.

This interesting contraption is not used for torture, but it was a beauty calibration machine designed by Max Factor.  He used the device to take measurements in order to enhance an actors features with make-up.
These scary figures were in the dungeon-like basement of the museum.  It was part of a special Halloween display.

Riding the Red Line
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