Santa Barbara Vacation 2010
Tuesday morning we headed to Santa Barbara, so that Ryan could use the Wifi at Starbucks to register for the fall semester.  It was a record breaking cold morning with the temperature bottoming out at 49 degrees!  You will notice the sweatshirts, when we went bike riding along the beach.
After riding bikes, we warmed up enough to have our favorite locally made ice cream--Mc Connell's.

Solvang and The Cold Spring Tavern
I always stop to take a picture of Chelsea in front of this shoe store in Solvang.  She fit inside the shoe the first time I took her photo here. 
The Cold Springs Tavern was an interesting place to stop for lunch before driving home.  We dined on steak, venison, and buffalo burgers.  This old stage coach stop has many historical artifacts.
Santa Barbara and Solvang   page 4