A Nostalgic Trip to
New Jersey and New York
October 2023
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The day began with a drive to Paterson where we grew up and attended school.  The first stop was Park East Terrace. This is the place we spent our early years before moving to Ninth Avenue.
Our elementary school, P.S. 26, from K through 8th grade.
The house on Ninth Avenue where we lived upstairs from the dental office.
After revisiting the places of our childhood, we drove to Hoboken to take the PATH train to NYC.  We planned to walk the High Line.  The High Line is a public park built on a historic freight rail line elevated above the streets on Manhattan’s West Side. Saved from demolition by neighborhood residents and the City of New York, the High Line opened in 2009 as a hybrid public space where visitors experience nature, art, and design.
We spotted a bagel shop from the High Line which was perfect for lunch while sitting on a bench. These New York style bagels with schmear were a very tasty and satifying meal.