Europe-March 2023
Europe Vacation
March 2023
Page 7

One of many replicas of the Statue of Liberty
The Obelisk of Luxor
The Lourve
St. Germaine Church
After leaving The Île de la Cité  we stumbled upon St. Germaine.  It is the oldest church in Paris, and one of the oldest Romaneque style churches in France, founded in 543 AD.  The Gothic style was later adopted.
We walked to St. Chapelle to see the beautiful stained glass windows, but the line was over an hour.  There was a nice cafe across the street that turned out to be a great place for lunch.  Although it was cool, we sat outside and enjoyed the view.
Our last dinner in Paris at a local cafe.  Tim and I tried to go up the Eiffel Tower after dinner, but the long wait at 10 pm was enough to call it quits for the night.
Last night in Paris
Rue Cler
On our last day we walked over to Rue Cler which was recommended by the travel expert, Rick Steves. It has a wonderful selection of specialty food stores, pastry shops, butchers, delicatessens, cheese specialists, fishmongers, greengrocers, chocolate shops and cafés. Most of the street is a pedestrian area and still has its original cobblestones. This authentic market street is where the locals go to buy their favorite foods or sit on one of the many café terraces with friends and family and watch the world go by. We stopped at a hole in the wall, Mon Petit Poulet, for a tasty chicken plate with rosemary water.
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The city bus tour ended at the Louvre.  We did not sign up for the Louvre tour, but used this as a starting point for exploration of The Île de la Cité (City Island) which is home to St. Chapelle and Notre Dame.